Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
on Franklin Lake
Dear Neighbors,
God’s peace and love to you wherever you are.
Here at Zion, we GATHER together, to GROW in our faith in Jesus Christ, and we GO out into the world to serve our neighbor and all of God’s good creation with love and devotion always with God’s grace and help!
Zion Lutheran Church is a congregation located in the beautiful heart of lakes country, situated right between Detroit Lakes and Pelican Rapids Minnesota. We cherish the beautiful lakes country right outside our doors and the people that call it home. We welcome all people, some who worship just once in the summertime while visiting the lakes, and some that walk in and out of these doors numerous times a week. Whatever your story or situation we are here for you to come and experience the love and grace of God that is deeply present for you through Christ.
We come together to worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am, also offering Sunday School halfway through our worship where our youngest members can learn about God’s love with song, activities, and teaching. We gather in fellowship with coffee and treats following our worship service. Zion also holds two Bible studies every week both at 8:30am on Wednesdays and Thursdays and comes together in quilting, book clubs, men’s groups, and more!
The Holy Spirit is always up to new and beautiful things and we invite you to share who you are and all that you bring with our beloved community.